Freeze Drying of Small Fruits

At Phytimpact, preserving the integrity of active ingredients in our products is a top priority. We strive to deliver the best of what fruits have to offer, maintaining their natural quality. This is why we use freeze drying, an advanced drying method that ensures our small fruits retain their nutritional value and freshness.

What is Freeze Drying?

Freeze drying is widely recognized as one of the best food preservation methods. This process removes water from food through vacuum freezing and sublimation. Its key benefits include:

  • Dehydrated foods are completely protected from bacterial growth, ensuring a long shelf life.
  • Weight reduction reaches 80% to 90% for fruits and vegetables, and 60% to 80% for meats and fish, without compromising their nutritional value.
  • The process preserves the organoleptic and dietary qualities of foods, such as their texture and flavor.

Why Choose Freeze Drying?

  1. Nutrient Preservation: Unlike other methods, freeze drying retains the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in fruits.
  2. Extended Shelf Life: Freeze-dried products can be stored for long periods while maintaining their quality.
  3. Versatile Applications: These products can be rehydrated or used directly in recipes, smoothies, or processed goods.

Our Applications

Freeze drying is ideal for preserving delicate fruits like raspberries, which often lose their texture and flavor through traditional drying methods. This ensures better usability for food manufacturers and consumers.

Learn More

By choosing Phytimpact’s freeze drying solutions, you’re investing in high-quality, reliable, and eco-conscious methods for preserving the natural benefits of your small fruits. Discover how our freeze drying expertise can support your projects. Contact us today for tailored solutions designed to meet your needs. Learn more about freeze drying here.